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      On-line texts relevant to cybernetics     


Some of these texts are very large, and to read them you may need to download them en bloc. There are programs available on WWW for doing this, some of them free.

  • Randall Whitaker.

  • Principia Cybernetica Library.

  • Kevin B Kreitman.

  • Stuart A. Umpleby.

  • Gordon Pask.

  • Raśl Espejo and Antonia Gill

  • Andrew Steane

  • Gary Boyd

  • Tony Smith

  • Robert N. Cahn

  • G.J.Chaitin.

  • Alan B. Scrivener

  • Phone and e-mail   see foot of AGB home page.
    Back to AGB home page Last updated 9 December 2005